
Join Our Team

The Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Jack­son Hole is an equal oppor­tu­ni­ty employ­er. We encour­age appli­ca­tions from indi­vid­u­als of any race, reli­gion, col­or, nation­al ori­gin, sex, gen­der iden­ti­ty, gen­der expres­sion, dis­abil­i­ty, age, vet­er­an sta­tus, and/​or any oth­er legal­ly pro­tect­ed group.

Cur­rent Opportunities

Grants Offi­cer

The Grants Offi­cer will join a dynam­ic, com­mu­ni­ty-mind­ed team in a full-time, exempt, staff posi­tion. This posi­tion plays an inte­gral role in mak­ing high-impact grants, fos­ter­ing a cul­ture of phil­an­thropy, and help­ing cul­ti­vate a thriv­ing non­prof­it sec­tor in Jack­son Hole. In close part­ner­ship with the Direc­tor of Grants and Non­prof­it Out­reach, the Grants Offi­cer will help facil­i­tate annu­al grant­mak­ing over $2.5M, and edu­ca­tion­al pro­gram­ming that sup­ports the impact of local non­prof­its. The posi­tion will also work with the Chief Oper­at­ing Offi­cer, Grants Asso­ciate, and oth­er key staff at the Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Jack­son Hole to deliv­er resources and sup­port to the Jack­son com­mu­ni­ty aligned with strate­gic goals of the Foundation.

View Full Job Descrip­tion (PDF)

Reports to: Direc­tor of Grants & Non­prof­it Outreach

To Apply:

Sub­mit the fol­low­ing to careers@​cfjacksonhole.​org by Decem­ber 1st:
1. A cov­er let­ter out­lin­ing why you’re a great fit for the role
2. Your resume
3. Three pro­fes­sion­al ref­er­ences, includ­ing at least one direct supervisor

Employ­ee Benefits

Beyond com­pet­i­tive com­pen­sa­tion, we offer gen­er­ous ben­e­fits that keep our staff hap­py and attract tru­ly excep­tion­al peo­ple to join our team (like you!).

Community Foundation of Jackson Holes Employee Benefits Health Insurance


We pro­vide full health, pre­scrip­tion, den­tal, and vision cov­er­age to all employ­ees, cov­er­ing 100% of employ­ee pre­mi­ums and 50% of your depen­dents’ premium(s) through Unit­ed Health­care. You’re eli­gi­ble to enroll in our insur­ance on your first day of work. You can choose between ten dif­fer­ent health insur­ance plans, from a low deductible PPO-style plan to a high-deductible, HSA-eli­gi­ble plan (to which we con­tribute $1,000 per year on your behalf).

CFJH Retirement Plan Icon 2

Retirement Plan

You are encour­aged to enroll in our 401(k) plan and con­tribute pre- or post-tax to your retire­ment plan. We match 100% of your 401(k) con­tri­bu­tions, up to 3% of gross com­pen­sa­tion and 50% for an addi­tion­al 2% on top of that. For a start­ing salary of $50K, that amounts to $2K per year towards your retirement.

Community Foundation of Jackson Holes Employee Benefits Wellness


We pro­vide $100 per month to be used towards your per­son­al well­be­ing, how­ev­er you define it. You can use this stipend for every­thing from child­care to ther­a­py to gym mem­ber­ships. We part­ner with Insper­i­ty, a best-in-class HR ser­vice provider, to offer a host of addi­tion­al well­ness ben­e­fits includ­ing telemed­i­cine options, nutri­tion pro­grams, dis­counts on gym mem­ber­ships, and more.


Paid Time Off

Between per­son­al leave (12 days annu­al­ly) and paid leave (start­ing at 10 days annu­al­ly), you will accrue over 20 days per year of paid time off and are encour­aged to use it. Our office is closed for all fed­er­al bank hol­i­days (12 per year); we pro­vide two addi­tion­al float­ing hol­i­days for indi­vid­ual obser­vance of any oth­er holidays.

Community Foundation of Jackson Holes Employee Benefits Bonuses


You are eli­gi­ble for an annu­al mer­it bonus, sub­ject to our finan­cial capac­i­ty. Addi­tion­al­ly, salaries are adjust­ed annu­al­ly (some­time more often) based on cost-of-liv­ing changes in the val­ley, evolv­ing respon­si­bil­i­ties, and our over­all com­pen­sa­tion structure.

Cfjh childcare icon

Childcare / Dependent Care

You can con­tribute mon­ey, pre-tax, to a reim­burse­ment plan to help pay for qual­i­fy­ing child care expens­es up to fed­er­al limits.

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Community Involvement

Each year, we match your per­son­al char­i­ta­ble giv­ing (up to $2,000). You will receive an annu­al Nation­al Park pass on the house.