Community Impact

The Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Jack­son Hole has been inspir­ing donors, invest­ing in non­prof­its, and enrich­ing our com­mu­ni­ty for 35 years.

The Foun­da­tion man­ages more than $130 mil­lion in assets and our annu­al col­lab­o­ra­tive event, Old Bill’s Fun Run, has raised over $256 mil­lion for local non­prof­its. Since 1989, donors have relied on the Foundation’s expe­ri­enced staff to assist with cur­rent and planned giv­ing by sim­pli­fy­ing admin­is­tra­tion and pro­vid­ing insight about com­mu­ni­ty needs.

2023 Highlights

A small-town orga­ni­za­tion with big-city exper­tise, we pro­vide our con­stituents with per­son­al atten­tion and expert advice.


Competitive Grants

Supporting a wide range of needs including Animals, Arts & Culture, Civic, Conservation & Environment, Education, Health & Human Services, Sports & Recreation


Student Scholarships

Awarded via Teton County Scholarship Program totaling more than $1M


New Funds

Established in 2023


Raised for Nonprofits

During nonprofits during Old Bill's Fun Run 2023

Areas of Impact

The Com­mu­ni­ty Foundation’s grants serve a wide range of needs includ­ing Health & Human Ser­vices, Arts & Cul­ture, Con­ser­va­tion & Envi­ron­ment, Ani­mals, Edu­ca­tion, Civic, and Sports & Recreation.

  • Education


    Education is a top priority for the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole, and we are dedicated to supporting students and educators in the area. Through scholarships and funding for innovative teaching practices, the Foundation is helping to ensure that all students have access to quality education. Additionally, the Foundation partners with local schools and nonprofits to address educational needs and provide resources for students and educators.

  • Health Human Services

    Health & Human Services

    Jackson Hole’s community is committed to promoting the health and wellbeing of its residents. The Foundation recognizes that access to healthcare is critical to achieving this goal and supports organizations that provide essential services such as mental health care, substance abuse treatment, and access to healthcare. The Foundation also collaborates with local health initiatives to create a healthier community for all.

  • Animals


    The Foundation is committed to promoting animal welfare in Jackson Hole. This includes supporting animal shelters and rescue organizations that provide care and comfort to animals in need. The Foundation also promotes responsible pet ownership and works to ensure that animals are treated with care and compassion. Additionally, the Foundation supports wildlife preservation initiatives that aim to preserve the natural beauty of Jackson Hole.

  • Arts Culture

    Arts & Culture

    Jackson Hole is a community rich in culture and the arts. The Foundation recognizes the value of this cultural heritage and supports local arts organizations and projects that promote cultural understanding and diversity. This helps to enrich the community and fosters a sense of connection and belonging among residents. The Foundation also supports initiatives that promote access to the arts and cultural events for all residents.

  • Civic


    Jackson Hole’s community values active citizenship and civic engagement. The Foundation supports local initiatives and organizations that promote community building and social justice. This includes efforts to increase civic engagement, promote diversity and inclusion, and foster a sense of community among residents. The Foundation recognizes that a thriving community requires the active participation of all its members.

  • Conservation Environment

    Conservation & Environment

    Jackson Hole’s natural beauty is a significant part of its appeal. The Foundation is committed to protecting the area’s natural resources through conservation and environmental initiatives. This includes supporting land conservation efforts, wildlife preservation, and sustainable living practices. By preserving the natural environment, the Foundation is working to create a healthier and more sustainable community for generations to come.

  • Recreation


    Jackson Hole’s natural beauty provides endless opportunities for outdoor recreation. The Foundation recognizes the importance of recreation for promoting healthy and active lifestyles among residents. Therefore, it supports organizations that promote access to recreational opportunities for all members of the community. This includes efforts to increase access to public lands, provide outdoor education programs, and promote healthy and active lifestyles. The Foundation is working to create a community where everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty of Jackson Hole.

Invest­ing in nonprofits

By ampli­fy­ing diverse voic­es and cel­e­brat­ing our col­lec­tive expe­ri­ences, we aim to fos­ter greater con­nec­tion and under­stand­ing with­in our com­mu­ni­ty and build a more inclu­sive and com­pas­sion­ate com­mu­ni­ty for all.

Strate­gic Plan

The Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Jack­son Hole’s mis­sion is to improve lives through phil­an­thropic lead­er­ship. We envi­sion a com­mu­ni­ty where peo­ple and place thrive.

Our Strate­gic Plan is focused on build­ing a more resilient and equi­table com­mu­ni­ty, and the foun­da­tion has iden­ti­fied three strate­gic pri­or­i­ties as the best way to achieve this goal.

Iden­ti­fy root caus­es of key com­mu­ni­ty issues. Use data to pri­or­i­tize the oppor­tu­ni­ties where we can impact the issues. Con­vene diverse voic­es to devel­op solu­tions, and fund these solu­tions.
Our cur­rent ini­tia­tives fall into the fol­low­ing categories:

Put exist­ing Foun­da­tion fund­ing to work on evolv­ing com­mu­ni­ty needs.

Inspire increased and high impact giv­ing. Pro­vide resources and exper­tise to new and cur­rent fund­hold­ers and donors. Learn more about Ways to Give.

  • Children's Learning Center

    Food for Kids grant

    "Nearly 1 in 10 local residents is food insecure, and for many of the children in our care, the meals they ate at CLC comprised most of the food they ate all day. But no matter their income level, all young working families in our program benefitted from Food for Kids. In a high-cost-of-living community, with both parents working and often juggling long commutes, daily relief from packing meals and snacks provides a simple yet significant boost to family well-being."

  • Teton Science Schools

    Rising Educators Program

    "The Rising Educators Program recruited 11 Latinx high school youth and placed them with 4 different local organizations to support with youth summer camps. These organizations were Teton Youth and Family Services, Teton Literacy Center, Teton County Parks and Rec, and Coombs Outdoors. In their respective summer camps, they interacted with roughly 500 youth, ages ranging from 3-14, conducting activities focused on place-based education, outdoor recreation, and STEM programming. Many have gone on to be hired by their respective employers beyond the program."

  • Animal Adoption Center

    Puppy Care & Socialization

    "Shelters are overcapacity and desperate for help. The Community Foundation grant funds gave us the ability to say “yes” to more vulnerable puppies and keep them out of the shelter systems where it can be detrimental to their livelihood, development, and health."

Community Impact