Grants & Scholarships

Grants & Schol­ar­ship Programs

The Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion offers grants and schol­ar­ships to sup­port local non­prof­its and stu­dents. Through these pro­grams, we invest in the present and future of Teton County.


Com­mu­ni­ty Grants & Cat­a­lyst Grants

Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion grant­mak­ing strives to make mean­ing­ful impact and pro­mote a cul­ture of phil­an­thropy. We employ two over­ar­ch­ing grant­i­ng chan­nels to achieve these com­ple­men­tary goals: Com­mu­ni­ty Grants and Cat­a­lyst Grants.

June 2024 announce­ment of updat­ed grants pro­gram structure

Grant pro­grams
Old Bill’s Fun Run, Com­pet­i­tive Grants, Youth Phil­an­thropy, Micro Grants, Pro­fes­sion­al Devel­op­ment Grants 


  • Address diverse com­mu­ni­ty needs by build­ing capac­i­ty and facil­i­tat­ing impact 
  • Cre­ate broad­ly acces­si­ble fund­ing opportunities 
  • Fos­ter wide­spread and diverse com­mu­ni­ty engage­ment in philanthropy 

Com­mu­ni­ty Grants details

Grant pro­grams: 
Ini­tia­tives Grants, Oppor­tu­ni­ties Grants 


  • Fund solu­tions to root com­mu­ni­ty problems 
  • Fos­ter com­mu­ni­ty advance­ments aligned with CFJH Strate­gic Plan and val­ues
  • Encour­age strate­gic, high-impact non­prof­it partnerships 

Cat­a­lyst Grants details

Recog­ni­tion Require­ments for Grantees

Grantees are expect­ed to acknowl­edge the Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Jack­son Hole in accor­dance with these guidelines:

Stu­dent Scholarships

The Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion is pleased to offer a range of schol­ar­ships for Teton Coun­ty, Wyoming high school stu­dents through Teton Coun­ty Schol­ar­ship Pro­gram. We also offer a select num­ber of schol­ar­ships for stu­dents in oth­er parts of Wyoming and beyond.