Welcoming new Community Foundation board members

Decem­ber 132024

The Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Jack­son Hole’s Board of Direc­tors is pleased to wel­come three new board mem­bers, Jen­ny Felsinger, Doug Hen­der­son, and Ian Macleod, who will help sup­port the Foundation’s mission, to improve lives through phil­an­thropic leadership.” 

We are excit­ed for the wide range of expe­ri­ence and tal­ent that Jen­ny, Doug, and Ian bring to the Board,” remarked Julie O’Halloran, Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion Board Chair.

At the Foundation’s Decem­ber Board meet­ing, the Board approved a new slate of offi­cers for 2025 with Bet­ty Andrikopou­los as Chair, Rev. Jim­my Bartz as Vice Chair, Kath­leen McCar­ragher as Trea­sur­er, and Jane Hop­kins Carey as Sec­re­tary. Julie O’Halloran will remain on the Board fol­low­ing her two-year term as Board Chair.

Out­go­ing mem­bers Lisa Car­lin, David Lan­des, and Daniela Peter­son were rec­og­nized for their stead­fast com­mit­ment to the Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion Board. Lisa, David, and Daniela have each made dis­tinc­tive and essen­tial con­tri­bu­tions to fur­ther­ing the Foundation’s mis­sion and val­ues dur­ing their time on the board,” said Lau­rie Andrews, Pres­i­dent of the Com­mu­ni­ty Foundation. Their lead­er­ship has made us a stronger organization.”

Board of Directors

2025 Slate of Officers

Chair — Bet­ty Andrikopoulos

Vice Chair – Rev. Jim­my Bartz

Trea­sur­er — Kath­leen McCarragher

Sec­re­tary — Jane Hop­kins Carey

Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee members:
(includ­ing Chair, Vice Chair, Trea­sur­er, and Secretary)

Julie O’Hal­lo­ran, Chair of Advance­ment & Out­reach Committee/​Past Chair

Kath­leen McCar­ragher, Chair of Finance Committee 

Peg­gy Dav­en­port, Chair of Gov­er­nance Committee

Deirdre Grif­fith, Chair of Grants Committee

Joel Revill, Chair of Invest­ment Committee

2025 Board Members

Ori­on Bellorado
Jen­ny Felsinger
Greg Gricus 
Deb­bie Hechinger
Doug Henderson
Vic­tor Hernandez 
Ian MacLeod
Miri­am Moril­lon
Stacey Morse
Bill New­ton, Emeritus
Andy Schwartz 
Janet Whitmire
Scott Pier­son, Chair, Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Teton Valley