Teton County / Jackson Recreation Center
220 N King St
Jackson, 83001

3‑part series for Exec­u­tive Directors

Join us for a dynam­ic 3‑part series designed specif­i­cal­ly for non­prof­it exec­u­tive direc­tors look­ing to enhance their lead­er­ship skills with Kari Ander­son, Incite! Con­sult­ing. Each ses­sion not only offers action­able insights and prac­ti­cal tools but also pro­vides a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect with peers, share expe­ri­ences, and build a sup­port­ive network.

  • Jan­u­ary 21, 2025, 9:00 am — 11:30 am
  • Feb­ru­ary 20, 2025, 9:00 am — 11:30 am
  • March 11, 2025, 9:00 am — 11:30 am

All ses­sions will begin with net­work­ing and cof­fee at 9:00 am, with instruc­tion hap­pen­ing from 9:30 am — 11:30 am. To get the most out of this cohort mod­el pro­gram, par­tic­i­pants are expect­ed to attend all 3 ses­sions unless pri­or arrange­ments have been made.

    Jan­u­ary 21, 2025 — Lead­er­ship skills and staff development

    • Suc­cess as a non­prof­it leader starts with you. How you spend your time, whom you spend your time with, strate­gi­cal­ly man­ag­ing your cal­en­dar, pri­or­i­tiz­ing crit­i­cal work. We’ll work togeth­er to craft a sched­ule that works for you to accom­plish your best work – both at work and at home.
    • Del­e­ga­tion as a form of lead­er­ship is the top­ic of dis­cus­sion today. Hold­ing effec­tive – and ener­giz­ing – team hud­dle. The agen­da for an action­able one-on-one staff or vol­un­teer meet­ing. Coach­ing up and coach­ing out. You’ll leave with tools to shift the work­load to every­one involved with your organization.

    Feb­ru­ary 20, 2025 — Board rela­tions and fundraising

    • Hear the sounds of a tan­go? The board-ED dance, and devel­op­ing the board, is one if not THE most impor­tant aspects of serv­ing as a non­prof­it exec. With stats that say that you’ll only stay 18 – 24 months if this rela­tion­ship sours, dig­ging deep into your role as dance part­ner is crit­i­cal. I’ll share some to do, and not to-do’s” from my time in the field.
    • You’re the chief rain­mak­er and the face of your orga­ni­za­tion! To raise mon­ey, aware­ness and build cred­i­bil­i­ty in your com­mu­ni­ty, you need to build rela­tion­ships. Dai­ly. The best way to accom­plish this is by man­ag­ing your cal­en­dar (there’s that time man­age­ment thing again) and to curate a sto­ry bank of successes.

    March 11, 2025 — Suc­ces­sion plan­ning and sys­tems for success

    • Peo­ple. We all leave. Whether that means retire­ment, a new oppor­tu­ni­ty, or burnout, we still need to leave the joint health­i­er than we found it. We’ll dis­cuss tem­plates and plan­ning sys­tems that help sort out the work that must be done, and sys­tems to cre­ate effi­cien­cies, both while you’re there and as you’re tran­si­tion­ing. You’ll also receive tools to start con­ver­sa­tions with your board as to their suc­ces­sion plan­ning, too!

    Post con­fab, all atten­dees will receive an addi­tion­al 45-minute ses­sion with Kari to work on the subject(s) of their choice.*
    *Appoint­ments must be booked between April-June 2025
