Senior Center of Jackson Hole

$50 per person

Facil­i­tat­ed by Cyn­di Har­ris, New Dimen­sions Consulting

In today’s fast-paced non­prof­it land­scape, com­mu­ni­ca­tion is vital for achiev­ing suc­cess. If we know what we are doing well, we can stay on track. If we know what could be bet­ter, we can be even more effective.

In this inter­ac­tive work­shop, we will explore the art and sci­ence of giv­ing and receiv­ing feed­back. Dis­cov­er how to help your­self and oth­ers fos­ter effec­tive­ness in the work­place. Togeth­er, we will explore: 

  • feed­back as a con­ver­sa­tion invest­ing in oth­ers and our own success
  • crit­i­cal ele­ments of feed­back when giv­ing or receiv­ing it
  • prac­ti­cal tools to under­stand how we expe­ri­ence events and each other.
