Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole
1251 S Park Loop Rd
Jackson, 83001


A two-day inten­sive work­shop with Fly­ing Whale Strategies

$600 per orga­ni­za­tion*

Facil­i­tat­ed by Hillary Fran­cis, Founder and Prin­ci­pal, Fly­ing Whale Strategies

Fly­ing Whale Strate­gies’ Inten­sives are cohort-based accel­er­a­tors that engage lead­ers in a curat­ed learn­ing process. They are designed as a lab­o­ra­to­ry rather than a lec­ture – lead­ers learn through dis­cov­ery. They offer clear solu­tions in record time.

This Inten­sive is a 12-hour learn­ing expe­ri­ence which builds the foun­da­tion for a three-year lean fundrais­ing plan. Lean means that this fundrais­ing plan is designed to func­tion with a bare-bones team and lim­it­ed resources.

Each par­tic­i­pat­ing orga­ni­za­tion will receive

  • 12 hours of trans­for­ma­tive learning
  • 2 post-inten­sive one-on-one coach­ing sessions
  • Strate­gic fundrais­ing plan tem­plate and draft
  • Fundrais­ing case for sup­port tem­plate and draft

Find a detailed pro­gram out­line with a sched­ule here.

This pro­gram is designed for

  • Lead­ers of small to mid-sized non­prof­its who need a high val­ue, quick return expe­ri­ence that deliv­ers them a sense of clar­i­ty on a crit­i­cal pain point: their organization’s fundrais­ing strate­gies are unpre­dictable, expen­sive, and some­times scattershot
  • Lead­ers who often feel lone­ly and exhaust­ed on the dif­fi­cult path towards sus­tain­abil­i­ty and scale.
  • Lead­ers who need to scale beyond the fundrais­ing efforts of the organization’s Exec­u­tive Director
  • Front-line staff who exe­cute the organization’s fundrais­ing activities.

*mul­ti­ple indi­vid­u­als from each orga­ni­za­tion are invit­ed to attend. CFJH Pro­fes­sion­al Devel­op­ment Grants can be applied to registration.

Upon com­ple­tion of the form below, Han­nah Sell, Grants Offi­cer, will reach out for pay­ment information.
