Youth Philanthropy

Hands-on learn­ing for next-gen­er­a­tion philanthropists

In our Youth Phil­an­thropy grants pro­gram, local high school stu­dents decide how to lever­age phil­an­thropy for max­i­mum com­mu­ni­ty impact. They review appli­ca­tions, dis­cuss and ana­lyze them with peers, make award deter­mi­na­tions, and present grant checks to non­prof­its at an awards par­ty. Apply­ing for a Youth Phil­an­thropy grant is a great way to intro­duce your orga­ni­za­tion to local youth and to increase aware­ness of the non­prof­its that serve our community.


The Youth Phil­an­thropy appli­ca­tion opens in late Octo­ber 2024.

Local high school stu­dents
No appli­ca­tion is nec­es­sary to par­tic­i­pate in Youth Phil­an­thropy; all are wel­come! Please email programservices@​cfjacksonhole.​org, and we’ll con­nect you with your school’s Youth Phil­an­thropy fac­ul­ty liaison.

Grant Pro­gram Details

  • Appli­cant must be a 501(c)(3) non­prof­it, gov­ern­ment enti­ty, or oth­er IRS-rec­og­nized char­i­ta­ble orga­ni­za­tion serv­ing Teton Coun­ty, Wyoming OR be fis­cal­ly-spon­sored by an enti­ty that meets these requirements.
  • Grant funds must be used exclu­sive­ly in Teton Coun­ty, Wyoming.
  • Funds may not be used for debt retire­ment or reli­gious or polit­i­cal activities.
  • Applicant’s work must not be pri­mar­i­ly focused on influ­enc­ing legislation.
  • Grant funds may not be used for a project or train­ing that has already been completed.

The Youth Phil­an­thropy fund­ing pool ranges from $25,000 to $37,500 each year. Appli­cants may request up to $3,000. Pro­pos­als may be par­tial­ly funded.

Youth Phil­an­thropy sup­ports a range of non­prof­it work reflect­ing the diverse needs and inter­ests of our com­mu­ni­ty. Pro­gram/pro­ject-based requests from eli­gi­ble orga­ni­za­tions serv­ing Teton Coun­ty, Wyoming are invit­ed. Gen­er­al oper­at­ing requests are not con­sid­ered for this grants pro­gram. Also not con­sid­ered are requests that have been sub­mit­ted with­in the past 12-months.

For sev­er­al years, the cen­tral com­po­nent of the Youth Phil­an­thropy appli­ca­tion has been a Video Nar­ra­tive. Appli­cants are asked to cre­ate a video of 5‑minutes or less detail­ing their pro­pos­al. It must include the following:

  • Name of appli­cant organization
  • Title of proposal
  • Amount requested
  • The com­mu­ni­ty need being addressed – the why of your pro­posed work
  • Program/​project details – the who, what, when, where, and how of implementation
  • Program/​project partners
  • The impact of your pro­posed work on the stake­hold­ers you serve and the broad­er community
  • Eval­u­a­tion plans and metrics
  • What will hap­pen if fund­ing isn’t granted

Video Nar­ra­tives don’t need cin­e­mat­ic bells and whis­tles to be suc­cess­ful. All types of videos have gar­nered Youth Phil­an­thropy fund­ing in the past. Judges are direct­ed to focus on con­tent, not aesthetics.

In addi­tion to the Video Nar­ra­tive, appli­cants are asked to pro­vide a 60-word writ­ten nar­ra­tive and project budget.

Email programservices@​cfjacksonhole.​org with any ques­tions about a pro­pos­al you are con­sid­er­ing submitting.

  • Appli­ca­tion peri­od: Fall 2024
  • Review peri­od: mid Jan­u­ary 15 – mid March 202025
  • Response peri­od: late March 2025
  • Grant checks dis­trib­uted at Youth Phil­an­thropy Awards Par­ty in mid-April 2025 (date/​time/​location TBD)

In fall 2022, the Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion tran­si­tioned its grants pro­grams to a new online appli­ca­tion plat­form designed to make appli­cants’ expe­ri­ence user-friend­ly and stream­lined. Please review Sur­vey­Mon­key Apply Tech Guide (YP) for instruc­tions on nav­i­gat­ing to/​through the Youth Phil­an­thropy appli­ca­tion. If you have applied for a Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion grant since fall 2022, use the Sur­vey­Mon­key Apply account you cre­at­ed to access the Youth Phil­an­thropy appli­ca­tion start­ing in late Octo­ber 2024.

Ques­tions? Email programservices@​cfjacksonhole.​org

Grant reports are not required for Youth Phil­an­thropy. The Foun­da­tion requests that grant funds be used with­in 12 months, and that grantees share any photos/​videos of their work with programservices@​cfjacksonhole.​org.

Grantees must adhere to the Foundation’s Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Guide­lines For Grant Recip­i­ents.

Ques­tions? Email programservices@​cfjacksonhole.​org

Youth Phil­an­thropy grants are fund­ed by Old Bill’s CoChal­lengers, indi­vid­ual donors, and endowed funds held at the Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Jack­son Hole.

Infor­ma­tion from your pro­pos­al may be shared with oth­er poten­tial fun­ders or used in Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Jack­son Hole mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als or in grant writ­ing work­shops. The Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion reserves the right to ver­i­fy any infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed in your pro­pos­al. This includes but is not lim­it­ed to ref­er­ences to data sources, col­lab­o­ra­tive part­ners, and finan­cial information.

Ques­tions? Email programservices@​cfjacksonhole.​org

Youth Phil­an­thropy 2024 Press Release: $52,500 in grants to 33 local nonprofits

  • Ani­mal Adop­tion Cen­ter | Fos­ter Enrich­ment Pro­gram | $650
  • Art Asso­ci­a­tion of Jack­son Hole | Avery Math­ieu Schol­ar­ship Fund Sup­port | $2,000
  • Asto­ria Park Con­ser­van­cy | Empow­er­ing Asto­ri­a’s Future: Invest Today for Tomor­row’s Lead­ers | $1,100
  • Cam­i­na Con­mi­go JH, fis­cal­ly spon­sored by Coombs Out­doors | Con­nect­ing Lati­no Adults with the Out­doors | $3,000
  • Carv­ing the Future | Shred the Gap Men­tor­ship | $1,800
  • Cen­ter for the Arts | Tlax­cala Sis­ter City Project | $1,250
  • City Kids Wilder­ness Project | Grand Teton, Grand Climb | $1,500
  • Climb Wyoming | Fuel­ing Mom’s Careers: Nutri­tion for Job Suc­cess | $3,000
  • Com­mu­ni­ty Safe­ty Net­work | JH High School Peer Advo­cate Club | $1,250
  • Coombs Out­doors | Cre­at­ing Safe­ty, Access, & Fun through Youth Swim­ming Lessons | $2,000
  • Dancers’ Work­shop | Con­tem­po­rary Dance Wyoming Res­i­den­cy Pro­gram | $750
  • Ener­gy Con­ser­va­tion Works | Green Pow­er Ambas­sador Pro­gram | $1,500
  • First in Fam­i­ly Jack­son Hole | Finan­cial Plan­ning for First Gen Schol­ars | $3,000
  • Girls Active­ly Par­tic­i­pat­ing! | Expan­sion to Alta and Kel­ly Ele­men­tary Schools | $1,500
  • Grand Teton Music Fes­ti­val | Free Inter­ac­tive Work­shop with Third Coast Per­cus­sion | $2,000
  • Grand Teton Nation­al Park Foun­da­tion | Grand Teton Nation­al Park Jen­ny Lake Ranger Rig­ging for Res­cue Train­ing | $1,000
  • Immi­grant Hope | Boost­ing Vis­i­bil­i­ty and Impact for Immi­gra­tion Legal Ser­vices | $500
  • Jack­son Hole His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety and Muse­um | An Evolv­ing Stu­dent Exhib­it Dis­play | $750
  • Jack­son Hole Land Trust | R Park Reser­voir Main­te­nance – Snake Riv­er Siphon Cleanout | $2,000
  • Jack­son Hole Pride, fis­cal­ly spon­sored by Peo­ple Spread Love | Project Con­nec­tion: Activ­i­ties Pro­gram­ming for LGBTQIA+ Youth | $500
  • Jack­son Hole Pub­lic Art | Asphalt Art Pub­lic Art Cross­ings | $1,000
  • Jack­son Hole Writ­ers | Almost Authors Writ­ing Work­shops and Con­fer­ence | $1,750
  • KHOL — Jack­son Hole Com­mu­ni­ty Radio | Next Gen­er­a­tion Radio Jour­nal­ist Train­ing | $750
  • Nation­al Muse­um of Wildlife Art | NMWA Chil­dren’s Gallery Improve­ment | $750
  • Off Square The­atre Com­pa­ny | Off Square Play­ers | $1,000
  • Pro­tect Our Water Jack­son Hole | 2024 E. coli Mon­i­tor­ing | $1,850
  • Teton Botan­i­cal Gar­den | Growa­bil­i­ty Project | $3,000
  • Teton Coun­ty Search and Res­cue Foun­da­tion | Back­coun­try Zero Ambas­sador Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion and Schol­ar­ship Fund | $2,250
  • Teton Lit­er­a­cy Cen­ter | Jet­set­ter Camp­ing Trip Sum­mer 2024 | $750
  • Teton Rap­tor Cen­ter | Rep­re­sent­ing Every Rap­tor Species Through Taxi­dermy | $950
  • The Men­tal Well­ness Col­lab­o­ra­tive | Span­ish Inter­pre­ta­tion for Com­mu­ni­ty Events | $2,400
  • Voic­es Jack­son Hole | Com­mu­ni­ty Nav­i­ga­tion for Immi­grant Fam­i­lies | $3,000
  • Wind Riv­er Com­mu­ni­ty Alliance | Wind Riv­er Indi­an Reser­va­tion Com­mu­ni­ty Dancers, Drum­mers, Singers Per­for­mance and Com­mu­ni­ty Gath­er­ing | $2,000

Youth Phil­an­thropy

2024 Awards Party